I could go with out TV because i listen to music all the time time and if they want to say things they can go on the radio and tell everyone. I don't know what i would with out music its like an outlet to let people how i feel.
I would want to surf the ocean the whole day. Because you could get bored on the Internet there is only so much you can do with out getting bored. I have always wanted to learn how to surf and i would get better and better. I have always want to ride those big waves and ride in the pipe. I would think that would be the most amazing this ever.
I would want to end hatred because if you end hatred you could end hunger also. Because people would not dislike other people and help out more and more. Also there would be less and less war in the world.
I would be the most popular person. Because i would be well know. I could have so many opportunities whith different things. I could be in movies, or chmaercials and become rich. But the bad thing is that there will be alot of paparazzi.
I would want to read every one's mind all the time instead of see the future because the future can always change. And reading peoples minds you can find out the truth about everything. Also you can find out how how people lie. Also you can cheat at card and poker.
My favorite restaurant is Freebirds. Because they have amazing buittors. And if you could make something amazing out of their foil they will put it on the wall and show everyone. You can put anything you want on it. And their are different sizes of buittors.
If i had a super power it would be to read minds. Because i was like to know what people are thinking. Also i would like to know if people are lien or telling the truth. I'm not going to lie i would also use it to see what girls think about me.
For my Spring Break I'm going to my home town. My home town is in Kingville Texas. Then I'm want to go to south padre and i might go to get a tattoo at Ace Tattoos. While im in my home town im going to see my mom and dads side of the family.
If i had a week to live. I would do lots of things. I would go to concerts at my favorite bands. I would travel to different countries and states. I would also party like no other.
I think you should be allow to text during school. Because people would need to ask if they had homework in a class and they are not there that day. Or a project is due or a start on a project. There are different time to text but. I think we should be allowed to text during school.
Its was when I was a freshman. When me my little cousin my aunt and my brother were walking through Walmart. And she was about 5 years old and we were playing tag. She was chasing after me and i stopped and she trip and she reached for me and she pulled down my pants.
The item i could live with out is books. Because I don't read that much. And for books on directions i would only need pictures. I'm not much of a reader at all. I don't even read in English class.